Learn Virtually

Assisted Strength covers utilizing trust, resistance and scalability when choosing exercises for oneself and clients. Students will learn how to implement biomechanics of exercises through accommodating resistance from beginner clients to competitive strength athletes.

Strength programming covers the differences of aerobic fitness, hypertrophy and strength in a simple yet practical way. Students will learn the concepts required to develop strength while walking away with 12 months of pre-made templates proven programs to make you or your clients stronger.

Powerlifting for Personal Trainers is a self-paced course that teaches you how to coach and imprive the squat, bench and deadlift. This course has over 70 videos covering the main lifts, troubleshooting and preparing for your first competition.

Powerlifting For Personal Trainers

Improve your coaching, lifting and business with this self-paced course. You will have access to over 70 videos, worksheets and knowledge confirmation quizzes. This course will give you 4 CECs and the knowledge to coach yourself or a client through the squat, bench and deadlift.